can cats drink almond milk?

can cats drink almond milk

Key Takeaways

  • Almond milk is safe for cats to drink in moderation.
  • Almond milk is lactose-free and low in fat and calories, making it a good option for cats with lactose intolerance or other dietary concerns.
  • Almond milk also contains vitamins and minerals that can benefit cats, such as vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium.
  • However, it is important to avoid giving cats flavored almond milk, as it may contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, and preservatives that can upset their stomach.
  • If you are giving your cat almond milk for the first time, start with a small amount and see how they react. If they do not experience any side effects, you can gradually increase the amount.

When a healthy food product catches our eye, we wonder if it is also safe for our pets. Milk substitutes such as soy milk and almond milk offer consumers a new, healthier alternative to regular cow’s milk. With almond milk gaining popularity in homes around the world, it’s natural to wonder if cats can drink it. The answer is yes, cats can consume almond milk, but only in moderation.

Almond Milk Nutrition Statistics:

Almond milk is a plant-based milk substitute made from almonds and water. It is naturally dairy and lactose-free, making it a decent option for cats that are lactose intolerant or have lactose sensitivity.

A cup of almond milk provides:

  • Calories: 39
  • Lipids: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 3.5 grams
  • Fibers: 0.5 grams
  • Calcium: 24% of the daily value (DV)
  • Potassium: 4% DV
  • Vitamin D: 18% of DV
  • Vitamin E: 110% of DV

What is almond milk?

When you try to finely grind almond milk and then mix it with water, you get almond milk! It has long been a milk substitute, especially for those who have difficulty digesting dairy, as it does not contain lactose. While it doesn’t contain the most obvious things that milk should contain, it’s no slouch in its nutritional profile: it’s known to be very high in protein and low in fat and calories. It is an excellent milk substitute for those who are lactose intolerant.

Can cats drink almond milk?

Unlike other dairy substances, almond milk does not contain lactose at all. When given to cats, it does not cause stomach problems like dairy products do. This is also why most cat owners give almond milk instead of other common dairy products. But this has certain limitations, we must be aware that some cats may be allergic to certain nuts, and we must also take into account the amount of these substances that the cat ingests.

If you’re thinking about the nutrients your cat could get from drinking almond milk, let’s say there’s nothing in almond milk that your cat can get if it’s in cat food. Cat food manufacturers make sure to provide the nutrients your cat’s body needs, so there is no need to resort to such food sources.

Is almond milk safe for cats?

Despite the myth that cats love milk, they actually can’t digest it like humans. Cats do not produce many lactase enzymes, which are necessary for the digestion of milk, which can lead to lactose intolerance. Explore the world of cat-friendly nuts in our comprehensive guide. We discuss which nuts are safe for your cat to eat and the potential benefits they offer, helping you make informed decisions about your cat’s diet.

For cats who love milk but cannot digest lactose, almond milk offers a promising alternative. That said, this nut-based milk may irritate some sensitive stomachs. Cats should only drink almond milk in moderation. So, to the question Can cats drink almond milk? the answer is yes but in moderation.

Also, check the label to make sure the brand of almond milk is safe for your cat. Flavored almond milk may contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, and preservatives that may upset your cat’s stomach. If you decide to give your cat almond milk as a treat, opt for unsweetened almond milk with no added flavors.

can cats drink almond milk

Benefits of almond milk for cats

Almond milk is lactose-free, making it a good alternative for cats who have difficulty digesting the enzymes in milk. In our article, we explore the relationship between chicken livers and cats. We offer insights into the preparation and serving of this nutritious food, ensuring it becomes a favorite in your cat’s diet.

Almond milk is loaded with vitamin E, which helps nourish your cat’s coat and skin. Another benefit of vitamin E is its anti-inflammatory properties, which help treat skin problems such as eczema. The potassium contained in almond milk contributes to cellular functioning and the magnesium facilitates intestinal transit and urinary problems.

How much almond milk can cats eat?

Whenever you are giving your cat a new human food, it is recommended that you start with a small amount and see how they react. You can offer a few teaspoons of almond milk to see how your cat is reacting. If there is no reaction, you can increase the amount.

The cat food you give your cat meets its nutritional needs. Therefore, it is useless to give almond milk as a food supplement. Uncover the secrets of making homemade cat delicacies in our article. We guide you through the process of preparing chicken livers for your feline companion, providing a delightful and healthy treat option.

What are the side effects of consuming almond milk?

In general, almond milk will only cause health problems if it is given to your cat in large quantities. Too much almond milk can cause digestive problems and cause:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas and bloating
  • abdominal discomfort

If your cat exhibits any of these symptoms after ingesting almond milk, reduce the amount and frequency, or eliminate it from its diet entirely.

Types of milk that cats can drink

If you can’t avoid sharing a dairy product with your cat, be sure to give him the milk that is safest and least likely to cause problems.

  • Herbal Drinks – There are many options for non-dairy milk today. Almond milk or other plant-based milk such as coconut, soy, oat, and rice milk are lactose-free and generally have less fat and fewer calories than regular cow’s milk. Be sure to read the label and avoid options that contain sweeteners, artificial flavors, and preservatives.
  • Lactose-free milk – Lactose-free milk is cow’s milk from which the lactose has been removed. It is an ideal alternative to milk for cats with lactose intolerance or allergies.
  • Goat, Sheep, and Cow Milk – If you are looking for an alternative to cow’s milk in terms of lactose, consider milk from goats, sheep, or other animals. These options contain lactose but at lower levels than cow’s milk. If finding milk rich in omega-3 fatty acids is important to you, opt for organic cow’s milk, as it contains 62% more omega-3s than regular milk.

If you’re having trouble finding unsweetened almond milk at your local store, you can always make it at home. It’s pretty simple and doesn’t require a long list of ingredients.

can cats drink almond milk

What do you need to make almond milk?

  • 1 cup of natural almonds
  • 4 cups of spring water
  • blender
  • Strainer
  • Storage container

For best results, soak almonds overnight, then strain them and place them in a blender. Add the water and blend for a minute, or until well combined. Then, pour the mixture into the strainer over the storage container to remove any lumps. Refrigerate for up to 5 days and enjoy!

Types of milk to avoid

You should think twice before giving dairy products to your cat, but the following products should be avoided, even in small quantities.

  • Concentrated milk – This type of milk is high in fat and sugar and can cause abdominal discomfort.
  • Cream, including whipped cream – Whole milk is too rich and heavy for a cat’s digestive tract. Instead, opt for skim or low-fat milk.
can cats drink almond milk

What happens if my cat accidentally drinks almond milk?

Well, there are no immediate dangerous side effects. However, it also depends on how much your cat consumes. It is best to consult your cat with your nearest veterinarian.

How Do Cats React To Almond Milk?

Although most of them will love it, if they are sensitive to almonds they may suffer from various symptoms, which will vary between cats, such as diarrhea, stomach problems, or bloating. If your cat licks a little of the almond milk, you should not worry, since this amount will not cause any type of side effect or discomfort in your pet.

It is recommended to serve a moderate amount of almond milk and be very attentive to it an hour later, during this period you will be able to notice any allergic reaction and if there is none, this means that your cat is not sensitive to almonds.

There are several products for human consumption that can cause health problems for your cat. If you give baby food, you may poison your cat, since most of them are made with onion powder. Navigate through the sardine guidelines for cats to provide your furry friend with a wholesome and safe sardine experience. Learn the best practices and nutritional benefits for your cat’s well-being.

For its part, almond milk contains a level of sugar that is not suitable for your cats, causing them to gain weight and suffer dental problems.


Almond milk is considered safe for your cat as an occasional treat. If you notice that your cat is developing side effects and having a negative reaction to almond milk, it may be because he has drunk too much or simply because it is new to him.

Almond milk should be used as a treat and should not be seen as a nutritional benefit for your cat.

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