can cats drink oat milk? Everything you need to know

can cats drink oat milk

Key Takeaways

  • Cats can drink oat milk, but there is no nutritional value for them in doing so.
  • Plant milk contains very little protein and calcium and does not contain vitamins D or B12.
  • Cow’s milk can cause digestive problems in some cats.
  • Oat milk should not be a regular part of your cat’s diet.
  • There are many other healthy treat options for your cat, such as tuna juice, cooked chicken and turkey, boiled eggs, vegetables, and fruits.

Almond milk, soy milk, hazelnut milk… Today, consumers are spoiled for choice when strolling down the milk aisle at the supermarket. But can cats drink oat milk? And what about other plant milks? Bernard Marie Paragon, professor emeritus at the French National Veterinary School, sheds light on the topic.

More and more people consume plant milk and of course, the temptation to give it to your cat is great.

But is it a good idea? Bernard Marie Paragon, professor emeritus at the French  National Veterinary School, explains to Wamiz why you have to be very careful with these drinks.

Can cats drink milk? 

Although in the collective unconscious cats love milk, the reality is a little different. Although cats can drink cow’s milk, it is not necessarily advisable to give it to them. 

Although it can be a delicacy and have nutritional benefits (it contains calcium, phosphorus, etc.), it must be taken into account that many cats are lactose intolerant. Learn about the nuances of feline sardine consumption and how it can be a healthy addition to your cat’s diet. Find out the benefits, precautions, and recommended serving sizes for a perfect meal.

In fact, cow’s milk can cause digestive problems for your pet: “Due to imperfect enzyme equipment, some cats may have diarrhea problems because lactose will fix in the digestive tract and cause discomfort. It is not dangerous, but it will be very uncomfortable for them”

Can a cat drink oat milk or other plant milk? 

Before answering this question, it is important to remember that plant milk has a different nutritional composition than animal milk. 

If you look at the back of a carton of almond, soy, or hazelnut milk, you will see that these plant milks are usually low in protein and calcium and do not contain vitamins D or B12, unless specifically added. 

In fact, since October 22, 2017, commercial names containing the term “milk” have been prohibited to designate plant milks in the European Union. The word “milk” is reserved exclusively for milk of animal origin. 

So is it possible to feed cats this type of milk?

Professor Paragon is reluctant to give vegetable milk to a cat: “It has few calories, very little protein except soy milk, little fat… There are no great benefits in these milks. As a veterinarian, my duty is to defend the health of animals. Remember that cats are carnivores. To me, cats should eat mice, birds, or quality food. 

Are plant milks beneficial for cats?

As Professor Paragon explains, there is no particular advantage to giving your cat oat milk, soy milk, or any other type of plant milk:

Does plant milk harm cats? 

While cow’s milk can cause digestive problems in some cats, no scientific studies have shown that plant milk causes side effects. 

However, Bernard Marie Paragon wants to warn owners who wish to give plant milk:

“Plant milk is not dangerous unless the drink is given as a substitute for breast milk. This can cause a significant calcium imbalance. With the exception of soy milk, plant milk contains very little protein.”

It is also important to be careful with the carbohydrates present in plant milk, which could cause digestive problems and cause diarrhea, for example. 

As can be seen, although the cat can drink vegetable milk (soy, hazelnut, or oat), there are no great benefits that justify giving it.

For the cat’s good health, it is best to give it a bowl of water and/or some cow’s milk if it is not lactose intolerant. The ideal is to consult with the veterinarian if there are doubts.

can cats drink oat milk

How much oat milk is safe for cats?

If you decide to offer your cat oat milk, be sure not to exceed 2 tablespoons. This amount is unlikely to cause stomach upset. However, kittens should not be given oat milk as it could cause unnecessary stomach upset.

Since each cat may react differently, some may experience digestive problems even with this safe amount of oat milk. If your cat experiences diarrhea or vomiting after consuming oat milk, discontinue consumption. If digestive problems persist after 24 hours, consult your veterinarian immediately.

It is essential to emphasize that oat milk should not be a regular part of your cat’s diet; An occasional treat is enough. While cats can safely consume oat milk, excessive intake can cause an upset stomach and discomfort.

Can cats consume other types of milk?

Milk is not a regular component of a cat’s diet, except during the kitten phase when it relies on its mother’s milk. After weaning, milk should not be included in their diet as it can cause uncomfortable and painful digestive problems. Milk has no nutritional value for cats and can cause illness.

If you intend to offer milk to your cat, opt for specially formulated cat milk and use it only as an occasional treat. Cat milk is tailored to the dietary needs of felines and typically contains a minimal amount of lactose. It is provided to kittens and adult cats as a supplement, not as a substitute for their usual diet.

  • Cow’s milk: Cow’s milk contains a significant amount of lactose, which is unfavorable for cats. Most cats are lactose intolerant, meaning their digestive system cannot process the lactose present in most dairy products. Ingesting lactose can cause a variety of stomach problems, ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain. Due to the potential to cause discomfort, it is advisable to refrain from giving your cat cow’s milk.
  • Goat milk: Goat milk is a better alternative to cow’s milk due to its lower lactose content. Additionally, goat milk can offer beneficial vitamins and minerals for your cat. However, it is important to only provide raw goat milk, avoiding overly processed variants. Despite its safety for feline consumption, goat milk should be reserved as an occasional treat. Like other types of milk, goat milk should not be a regular component of a cat’s daily diet.
  • Soy Milk: Soy milk is a popular dairy-free milk substitute made from soybeans, which contains a type of protein that cats have difficulty digesting. Some cats may even be naturally allergic to the protein found in soy. To err on the side of caution, it is best to avoid offering your cat soy milk.
  • Almond milk: Almond milk, another dairy-free option, may seem suitable for cats. However, almond milk is known to induce vomiting and potentially cause bouts of diarrhea in cats. The high fat and oil content of almond milk is not healthy for feline consumption.
  • Coconut milk: Coconut milk is lactose-free but high in fats and oils, which can be harmful to cats of all ages. Cats have difficulty digesting the proteins present in coconut milk, which causes an upset stomach. Like other varieties of milk, coconut milk can cause diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, gas, and cramps.

It is essential to recognize that while some milk alternatives may seem safe for cats, they often carry risks and potential adverse effects. To prioritize your cat’s well-being, it is advisable to stick to his designated dietary needs and offer specially formulated cat treats when looking to provide an occasional treat.

can cats drink oat milk

Healthy treat options for your cat

When considering treats for your cat, it is best to opt for treats specifically formulated for felines. These treats are designed to address the complex dietary needs of cats. However, there are certain “human foods” that can be offered to your cat from time to time.

  • Tuna Juice: Low-sodium tuna juice drained from canned tuna can serve as a great occasional treat for cats. Be sure to provide tuna canned in water, not oil. Tuna canned in oil can cause serious and painful digestive problems in cats.
  • Cooked Chicken and Turkey: Cooked chicken and turkey are safe human foods to treat your cat to. Make sure they are unseasoned, as many herbs and spices are toxic to cats. Also, make sure the cooked meat is boneless.
  • Boiled eggs: In moderation, boiled eggs are safe and nutritious treats for cats, offering vitamins, minerals, and protein. Avoid feeding raw eggs and seasonings.
  • Vegetables: While not all cats enjoy vegetables, some may appreciate them as occasional treats. Suitable vegetables include peas, broccoli, carrots, corn, lettuce, squash, spinach, green beans, winter squash and zucchini. Before feeding, cook or steam vegetables, as cats’ digestive systems struggle to break down plant cell walls.
  • Fruits: Certain cats have a penchant for fruits, making them a healthy and safe occasional treat. Fruits such as strawberries, cantaloupe, bananas, blueberries, seeded watermelon, and peeled apples are options.
  • Caution with oat milk: Oat milk is considered safe for cats to consume, but it has no nutritional value for cats and can cause stomach upset. Due to the potential problems associated with oat milk, it is advisable to avoid offering it to your cat and instead focus on veterinarian-approved treats. If you choose to give your cat oat milk, do so in moderation and closely monitor his well-being afterward.

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