Can Cats Eat Catnip Plants

Can Cats Eat Catnip Plants

Key Takeaways

  • Catnip is a non-toxic herb that is safe for cats to eat.
  • Catnip can cause a variety of reactions in cats, including euphoria, relaxation, and sleepiness.
  • It is generally safe to give your cat catnip every day, but moderation is key.
  • Catnip can be used to enrich your cat’s environment, help them relax, and even repel insects.
  • Catnip is a versatile and beneficial herb for cats.

Cats love catnip. It is completely safe and presents no risk to your cat. If your cat eats an excessive amount of it, it could cause slight tummy discomfort, but this is unlikely to happen.

What is catnip?

Catnip is a perennial plant belonging to the same family as mint. It has North African and Mediterranean origins, but today it commonly grows wild throughout Europe and North America. The names by which it is known, catnip, Pattaya, or catnip, are undoubtedly inspired by the well-known preference of cats for this plant.

Why do cats love it?

The active ingredient in catnip is nepetalactone. Cats recognize this compound by smell. Nepetalactone is thought to mimic the effect of a cat pheromone, possibly associated with mating.

Catnip acts as a natural mood booster. It could induce unusual behavior in your cat, which may become more mischievous or particularly affectionate. It may also roll over, paw, or nuzzle the plant. Or he may start hopping and getting excited, running from room to room as if he were hunting invisible prey.

Other cats on the other hand become very relaxed and stare into space. In addition to all of these behaviors, your cat may start meowing or growling intensely. The effects of catnip are brief, usually lasting between 5 and 15 minutes. After that, a couple of hours will have to pass before the cat suffers the effects of the plant again.

Is catnip a drug for cats?

Did your feline just sniff or eat catnip and he licks, sniffs, and shakes his head for about ten minutes before going back to normal? Although you’re happy to see your cat in a euphoric state, you may have questions such as: Is catnip a drug? How much should I give my cat?

Don’t worry, I’m here to answer all your doubts and questions. Our article explores the topic of felines and nut safety, answering questions about whether certain nuts are suitable for your cat’s diet. We discuss the potential risks and precautions to ensure your cat’s health.

Nepetalactone, a volatile oil present in its stems and leaves, is the cause of your cat’s strange behavior. While your cat is obviously having fun, catnip has nothing to do with human drug use and addiction. It is not a drug because it does not cause hallucinations in your cat. He is aware of what is happening around him. The behaviors a cat exhibits after sniffing catnip persist for about 10 minutes until they go away. If you want to learn more about catnip and its relationship to your feline, read on!

Can Cats Eat Catnip Plants

What are the effects of catnip?

The presence of nepetalactone in the cat’s olfactory epithelium activates the inner part of its nose. As a result, the cat may want to chew or lick the catnip. After ingesting it, your cat may even lie down and turn over several times. Its effects usually take a minute or two to show up.

Your cat will purr and be happy at this time, but it will also be tired and drooling. If he doesn’t fall asleep right away after sniffing or eating it, he may bounce around for a while before falling asleep. Be aware that when sniffing catnip, some cats are not always very friendly. As it causes anxiety in some felines, your furry friend may seem anxious rather than affectionate during these times.

If you give them catnip by hand, they may bite or scratch you. Therefore, it is best to leave the grass on the ground or in a toy and not touch it.

After consuming it, you may notice the following in your feline friend:

  • Purr
  • Dilated pupils
  • The burrs
  • Roll in it
  • Increased anxiety
  • Aggressiveness
Can Cats Eat Catnip Plants

Is catnip poisonous?

Catnip does not contain any harmful ingredients for your cat. If your cat consumes too much, the only risk is that it has digestion problems (stomach). Other than that, there is no need to worry about its harmfulness. Cats love this non-addictive, non-toxic herb from the mint family.

The effects last about five to fifteen minutes. Catnip is safe for your cat if used in moderation. So it shouldn’t be a problem if he chews and swallows a few leaves. Discover the joys of cooking for feline friends with our article on preparing chicken livers for cats. We offer insights and tips to create homemade, cat-safe liver delicacies that will leave your pet purring with delight.

And for kittens?

Catnip is safe for adult cats as well as kittens. In young cats, however, the same results should not be expected. In fact, the scent of the plant may initially deter a kitten. Sensitivity to catnip does not appear until the cat has reached sexual maturity. It usually takes about six months. When a young kitten develops a sensitivity to catnip, they will be interested in this plant and objects containing its oil as well.

To start, offer your cat a small amount, such as a light dusting of flakes or a dab of oil on her favorite toy. Be sure to keep a close eye on your cat. If left unattended, a cat that has never eaten them can become rambunctious and injure themselves. As your cat gets older, you’ll notice that she doesn’t like catnip as much as she used to. Older cats may even despise her. Don’t worry, it’s completely natural.

Can cats eat dried catnip?

The dried plant is one of the most popular types of catnip. It is easily found and can be used immediately. Even if the plant is dried, the volatile oils remain active, which explains its effect on cats. Yes, cats can eat dried catnip. Just sprinkle a small amount in the area you want your cat to come and they’ll play with it. It’s important to remember that this will definitely produce some dirt, but since it’s dried out, you can just vacuum it up.

Your cat won’t be harmed if he eats a little bit of catnip. Plus, if it’s organic, you can be sure your cat will be fine because it doesn’t contain any preservatives or harmful chemicals.

Can cats eat fresh catnip?

Of course, cats can eat fresh catnip. They may start by sniffing it, then licking it, and finally rolling in it. Some cats salivate, while others groom fervently. Not only are the cats having fun, but it’s also entertaining to watch. However, you need not worry as these effects will not last long and your cat will be back to normal in no time. Make sure your cat consumes catnip in moderation, as ingesting large amounts can cause stomach upset in your feline.

Does catnip make you sleep?

Cats are known to take fifteen to twenty-hour naps a day. Catnip is the best way to help cats relax and nap when not sleeping. It is a plant that contains oils that cause a reaction in your cat. He can react to this plant in different ways. Feeling cheerful and happy or calm and sleepy are the most common reactions.

It works in two ways to put your cat to sleep:

  • When your cat smells catnip, he becomes euphoric. He will calm down after about ten minutes of pleasure and will fall asleep.
  • Your cat eats it, which triggers the mild sedative effects of the plant and puts it to sleep.

After being exposed to the chemicals in the menthol plant, your cat will begin to relax as the effects wear off. The mild sedative in catnip will cause it to go from energized to drowsy while resting. If your cat eats catnip instead of sniffing it, she will skip the happy phase of the herb’s benefits and go straight into a calm, relaxed state. The sedative qualities of catnip make it an excellent choice for calming and relaxing your cat. This is especially beneficial if your pet is worried, agitated, or frightened.

Can my cat eat it every day?

It is generally harmless to most cats. You can give it every day, but make sure you don’t do it more than once a day. Your pet will become desensitized if you give it too frequently. We recommend that you give it to him in moderation.

What are the benefits of catnip?

Giving your cat catnip is beneficial in many ways:

1. As a source of entertainment

It can be used to provide enrichment and stimulate active play sessions, depending on how your cat reacts to it.

Regular enrichment activities for indoor cats can encourage them to stay physically and intellectually active. Offer catnip to your cat to keep it busy and discourage it from plotting its next destructive act. Scattered around the house, it can trigger a fascinating treasure hunt for your cat while you’re at work.

Keep your cat active and involved in her surroundings by spraying catnip oil on her scratching post or hiding treats in a food puzzle. Catnip bubbles, which are a combination of bubbles containing catnip extract, are also available. Some cats like to chase and catch these bubbles, and when each bubble pops, they get a small dose of it.

2. To help him relax

Some cats can be put to sleep by catnip, especially if eaten rather than simply sniffed. Many cat owners choose to feed their cats to relieve anxiety or tension and help them relax. Before a visit to the vet or when introducing a new pet to the family, sprinkling catnip treats in the travel crate can help relieve anxiety and put your cat comfortable. To help your cat get through a stressful situation, add a small amount of dry catnip to their regular canned food.

3. For a relaxing bath

If you have to give your cat a bath for some reason, catnip can make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. It can help heal sore skin and relax your cat with its pleasant smell. It can be a fantastic addition to a medicated bath for your cat if they have allergies or a skin condition.

Just boil a cup of water with a teaspoon of dried catnip or half a teaspoon of fresh grass. Let it steep for five minutes before adding it to your cat’s bath water. Before bathing your cat, check the temperature and apply its medicinal shampoo if necessary. The scent of catnip will stay on your cat’s coat, and the herbal infusion will soak into their skin and help relieve any discomfort.

4. As an insect repellent

Cats may like it, but insects despise it. Mosquitoes, ticks, and mites are all repelled by the active component, nepetalactone. It is the essential oil that is able to keep these pests at bay. When it comes to insect repellents, catnip oil is ten times more effective than other general products.

Although not proven to be safe for animals or people, if you put catnip in your yard or use a spray on your cat’s bed, you may find -maybe you will be less bothered by insects.

5. To train your cat

Using positive reinforcement to train your cat to accept certain medical treatments is a fantastic approach to making veterinary procedures less traumatic. You both make life easier if you can get your cat to sit still for a vaccine, wash it, or clip its claws.

It can be used to encourage the behavior you want to see in your cat. Just use a clicker or voice cue to “notice” the excellent behavior before rewarding your cat with a catnip treat or scattering a small amount loosely for them to enjoy.

6. She Isn’t Addictive

You don’t have to worry about your cat getting addicted because it’s non-addictive and safe to use daily. It’s also non-toxic, which means your cat won’t be able to consume too much of it. If your cat is unaccustomed to catnip and eats too much of it, he may vomit or have diarrhea, but he will recover quickly and have no long-term consequences.

7. Helps heal wounds

You can prepare a paste and apply it to his wounds to help him heal. Simply create a thick paste from fresh catnip leaves and a small amount of water, then apply it to cuts or scrapes. The added benefit is that your cat doesn’t have to lick it!


Catnip is more than just a filler for cat toys. It offers a variety of health benefits that can be used simply at home to help our feline companions. This versatile herb should definitely be in any cat owner’s medicine cabinet. It’s beneficial whether it’s improving the environment for indoor cats, healing sore skin, or helping teach your cat to use their new scratching post. You don’t have to worry if your cat ingests a little too much catnip. This usually results in vomiting or diarrhea and your cat will recover soon after.

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