can cats eat sausage? What you need to know

can cats eat sausage

Key Takeaways

  • Sausages are not recommended for cats due to their high fat and salt content.
  • Cooked sausages can be given to cats in small quantities and occasionally.
  • Fresh sausages are better than Frankfurt sausages as they contain higher quality protein.
  • Avoid giving sausages to overweight, neutered, cats with hypertension, heart and/or kidney diseases, elderly cats, and cats with sensitive digestive systems.
  • BARF sausages are specifically made for cats and can be given as a delicious reward.

Sausages are foods made primarily from meat and fat. Taking this into account and knowing that cats are carnivorous animals, we could assume that sausages are suitable foods for our feline companions. But is this true? Or are sausages among the foods that cats cannot eat?

Are sausages good for cats?

Before mentioning whether sausages are suitable for cats, we must differentiate the different types of sausages that we can find on the market:

  • Fresh sausages are fresh sausages generally made from minced beef or pork, to which other ingredients such as fat, salt, and different seasonings or spices are added.
  • Frankfurt sausages are cooked meat derivatives made from minced pork, chicken or turkey, bacon, water, salt, and spices. In addition, they usually contain other ingredients such as milk powder, soy protein, antioxidants, and preservatives.

Both fresh sausages and Frankfurt sausages provide certain nutritional benefits and do not contain any ingredients that are toxic to the body of cats, but despite this, they are not recommended food for these animals, since they contain high levels of fat and salt.

That is, when assessing the risks/benefits of including sausages in cats’ diets, we find more drawbacks than benefits, especially when they are offered recurrently or in large quantities. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid providing this food to our pets.

In kittens, it is especially advisable to avoid this type of processed food since it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Therefore, to the question “Can baby cats eat sausage”, the answer is no.

Can cats eat cooked sausages?

As we just mentioned, sausages should not be part of a cat’s regular diet. However, its consumption in small quantities and in a specific manner does not have to cause any serious harm to the health of these animals. Wondering about the safety of almonds for cats? In our comprehensive guide, we delve into whether almonds can be part of your cat’s diet, providing insights into the nutritional implications and potential risks.

Now, can cats eat raw sausages, or should they be cooked? The truth is that raw meat can contain pathogenic microorganisms capable of causing foodborne diseases in cats. Therefore, cats should never consume sausages or any other type of uncooked meat product. Even if you only consume sausages occasionally, it is important to ensure that they are properly cooked to avoid any microbiological risk.

Benefits of sausages for cats

Sausages are a fatty food (with a fat content that ranges between 20-30%), which also has a high salt content, which is why they are not considered recommended foods for cats. Our guide on “How To Prepare Chicken Livers For Cats?” provides valuable insights into the liver preparation for cats. We ensure you understand the necessary steps to make chicken livers a delectable and nutritious addition to your cat’s diet.

However, it is true that they provide a series of nutritional benefits, such as:

  • They provide proteins of animal origin, of high biological value: this is only applicable to fresh sausages since Frankfurt sausages have a protein with considerably worse quality.
  • They are a source of minerals: such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, or zinc.
  • They provide some B vitamins: such as thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin or vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3, pyridoxine or vitamin B6, and cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12).

In any case, we have already mentioned that these nutritional benefits do not compensate for the negative effects that the high fat and salt content of this food can cause.

Dosage of sausages for cats

Although sausages should not be part of the regular diet of cats, we have already seen that their consumption in small quantities and occasionally, in principle, does not have to produce any harmful effects on these animals.

If you occasionally want to reward your cat with this food, you can cut a small piece (approximately one centimeter) and offer it in small cubes. However, whenever you can, try to replace this food with healthier ones (such as lean meat, fish, or treats specially formulated for cats).

can cats eat sausage

How to give sausages to my cat?

First of all, we must remember that cats can eat cooked sausages, but not raw. Therefore, if you decide to offer this food as a reward, it is important that you cook it first. However, it will only be necessary to cook fresh sausages, since Frankfurt sausages are meat derivatives that have already been heat treated.

As for the composition of sausages, cats can eat chicken, turkey, pork, beef, etc. sausages. although it is preferable to opt for chicken or turkey since they usually have a lower fat content.

Side effects of sausages for cats

The negative effects that sausages can have on cats’ health are related to the high levels of fat and salt they contain:

  • Excess fat favors the appearance of obesity: which increases the risk of the appearance of a multitude of diseases (liver problems, diabetes, osteoarticular diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, etc.). This risk is especially important in neutered cats, as they are animals with a greater tendency to obesity.
  • Excess salt promotes the appearance of hypertension and the worsening of heart and kidney diseases: this risk is especially important in older cats, in which chronic kidney disease is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality.

Contraindications of sausages for cats

As we have seen throughout the article, although sausages are not a particularly recommended food for cats, they can consume them very occasionally and in small quantities.

However, there are certain individuals in whom its contribution is completely contraindicated, such as:

  • Overweight cats.
  • Neutered cats.
  • Cats with hypertension.
  • Cats with heart and/or kidney diseases.
  • Elderly cats.
  • Cats that require a low-fat diet: such as cats with episodes of gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease or IBD, pancreatitis, etc.
  • Cats with food allergies or intolerances.
  • Cats with a digestive system that is especially sensitive to dietary changes.
can cats eat sausage

Can my cat eat ham, salami, or liver sausage?

Just like →cheese, sausage isn’t exactly poisonous to cats, but it’s not exactly healthy either. Sausage products such as boiled or smoked ham, salami, poultry cold cuts, or liver sausage contain a lot of salt, which is not particularly suitable for a cat’s stomach. The unhealthy fats and additives to improve taste and shelf life are also not beneficial to cat health. If your cat has eaten too much sausage, it may vomit or have diarrhea. In such cases, be sure to make sure she drinks enough.

Which sausage can you give cats?

Raw and lean beef or chicken is a delicious reward for your cat and is welcome for your pet. Pay attention to the freshness of the meat!

Another exception is the so-called BARF sausage. This is a sausage made specifically for feeding cats. It usually contains various meats and some fruit or vegetables. You won’t find any spices in a special sausage for cats. With such products, always make sure that they do not contain any additives such as sugar, grains, flavorings, or colorings.

Do you want to feed fresh meat? With our BARF fresh menus for cats, you can provide your kitty with uncomplicated and high-quality care. Simply open the bag, add oil and mineral mix, and the special menu for your darling is ready!

Which sausage is poisonous to cats?

For example, you should completely avoid raw pork such as →minced meat with your cat. Pork is one of the most poisonous foods for cats. This is because feeding raw pork can lead to Aujeszky virus infection. In most cases, such an infection is fatal for cats. This risk also exists for raw pork sausages that have not been fully cooked and should not be fed.

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