can cats have bacon? what you need to know

can cats have bacon

Key Takeaways

  • Cats can eat bacon, but it should only be given as a treat occasionally.
  • The biggest concern about bacon for cats is the high amount of salt and fat.
  • Raw bacon may be good for cats, but only if it is really raw and not cured.
  • Other foods that are bad for cats include milk, chocolate, and processed bacon bits.
  • If your cat eats too much bacon, monitor their behavior and health closely. If their condition worsens, seek veterinary attention.

Bacon is without a doubt the greatest invention of all time. But can I share some with my kitty?

It may be a universal law that bacon is the best food of all time. From the smell to the taste to the crunch, there may not be a more perfect food. This salty treat puts a smile on many humans’ faces at breakfast time (or anytime, really), and is a great occasional treat. 

However, is bacon safe for our furry friends? Can we share bacon with our kittens, for example? Let’s cross our fingers and hope our cats can enjoy themselves with us. And if not, that’s okay, more bacon for us!

So what’s the verdict?

Drum roll, please! The verdict is yes. In fact, it is safe for cats to eat bacon; However, bacon should only be given as a treatment sometimes. As obligate carnivores, cats need meat in their diets, and the salty, savory taste of bacon will turn their heads and please their taste buds. A small piece of cooked bacon will not harm your cat and is fine as an occasional treat. Bacon is not recommended, however, as a daily treat for cats.

What are the concerns with cats eating bacon?

Just like humans, the biggest concern about bacon for cats is the extremely high amount of salt. A small slice of cooked bacon contains approximately 137.4 milligrams of sodium, which is about ten times more than the recommended daily sodium intake for cats! Healthy brand-name cat foods provide all the sodium a cat needs and additional sodium is never needed in a cat’s diet. Extra sodium, in fact, can be a big detriment. Too much salt can lead to:

  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Dehydration
  • Salt poisoning
  • Clogged blood vessels

Along with salt, bacon is extremely fatty. Coming from a pig’s belly (or side and back), bacon is completely covered in fat and is often prepared without all the fat trimmed. This fat is very unhealthy, especially for a body as small as a cat. 

Even turkey bacon, which is considered a healthier alternative to pork bacon, contains high levels of fat and sodium that can be harmful to your kitty’s health. Too much fat in your cat’s diet can lead to digestive problems, obesity, and other more serious health problems.

What about raw bacon?

Before feeding your cat any type of raw meat, always consult with your veterinarian. Raw bacon may be good for your cat if the meat is really raw and not cured. The meat must also be fresh. Be sure to take the necessary precautions when feeding raw meat, such as making sure your knife, cutting board, and your cat’s bowl are clean.

can cats have bacon

What other foods are bad for cats?

There are certain foods that are bad for cats and should never be given to them at all times. Some of these are milk and other dairy products (you can see why milk is bad for cats ), as well as chocolate (read why cats can’t eat chocolate ).

Most people think that milk is good for cats as we see many photos of kittens drinking milk from a bowl. What most people don’t know is that most cats are actually lactose intolerant, and consuming dairy products can cause vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

Cats should never consume chocolate. This is because chocolate contains two ingredients that are toxic to cats, which are: caffeine and theobromine. Curious about a feline squash diet? This article answers your questions, outlining the safety and potential advantages of incorporating squash into your cat’s meals. Discover how this vegetable can contribute to your pet’s well-being.

Consuming chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, increased body temperature, rapid breathing or heart rate. And seizures.

Important: Just like us, cats need the right nutrients in the right amount so they can achieve optimal health. Consider vitamins and supplements for cats!

can cats have bacon

What To Do If Your Cat Eats Too Much Bacon?

If your cat happens to sneakily devour more bacon than intended, it is important to monitor their behavior and health closely. Excessive consumption of bacon can lead to gastrointestinal distress, including vomiting, diarrhea, or even an upset stomach.

In such cases, it is recommended to withhold food for a few hours to allow their digestive system to settle. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water for hydration. If your cat’s condition worsens or if you notice any severe symptoms, it is best to seek veterinary attention promptly.

Can Cats Eat Turkey Bacon?

When it comes to alternative types of bacon, such as turkey bacon, caution should still be exercised. While turkey bacon is generally considered leaner and lower in fat compared to traditional bacon, it can still contain additives and seasonings that may not be suitable for cats.

As with any new food introduction, it is crucial to start with small portions and monitor your cat’s response to ensure they tolerate it well. Consulting with your veterinarian before offering turkey bacon is always a wise decision. Delve into essential cats and sausages info to ensure your pet’s well-being. Uncover the dos and don’ts of introducing sausages to your cat’s diet, including insights into their nutritional value and any potential health concerns.

Can Cats Eat Bacon Bits?

Bacon bits, often used as toppings or flavor enhancers in various dishes, may seem like a convenient option to add a burst of flavor to your cat’s meal. However, it is important to note that most bacon bits available commercially are heavily processed and contain additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives. These additives can potentially harm your cat’s health and should be avoided. Instead, consider using alternative cat-friendly toppings, such as small pieces of cooked, unseasoned chicken or fish.


Fully cooked, bite-sized pieces of bacon are appropriate for an occasional treat. Don’t feed your cat bacon daily! Raw bacon may also be good for your cat under the advice and guidance of a veterinarian. Large quantities of bacon should be avoided due to the high salt and fat content of the meat. Too much salt or fat can lead to clogged arteries, obesity, high blood pressure, and even salt poisoning. Cats are best off sticking to grocery store cat foods, but a little bacon here and there should be fine. So go ahead and share the love!

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