How to Keep Cats Off Kitchen Countertops?
Key Takeaways
- Cats jump on counters for a variety of reasons, including food, views, warmth, water, curiosity, and companionship.
- There are many ways to prevent cats from jumping on counters, including providing them with alternatives, hiding food, and using repellents.
- If you catch your cat on the counter, distract them with a toy or treat, and provide positive reinforcement for good behavior.
- It’s important to give your cat a high place to perch, such as a cat tree or window perch.
- Avoid leaving anything on the counter that might tempt your cat to jump up.
You know that having cats in your home is not necessarily ideal. It has its drawbacks… Among the problems of living with them is their ugly habit of climbing on kitchen counters. This can be a problem because you don’t want the counter to be full of your pet’s footprints, or worse, the food to be covered in their hair.
You also want to avoid dangerous things like knives, food that is toxic (to cats), and hot objects like pans and pots for your cat. So you want to know why they do it? What are the alternatives? And what to do to keep your cat off the kitchen counter?
Reasons why cats climb on countertops
The most common reasons why this happens are:
1. The custom of receiving food from there
If while you are preparing food, you are one of the people who drops a piece of something on purpose so that your cat can take advantage of it, then you cannot be surprised if you catch the cat trying to find a bit of that food on the counter. Your mirrors might bear the scars of cat mirror claw marks, leaving you wondering why your pet indulges in such actions. This article investigates the possible motivations behind this unique habit and offers guidance on how to manage or prevent it effectively.
So keep in mind that, in order to know how to prevent the cat from climbing on the counter, you must first do your part and avoid these things.
2. Smells and food
In the same way, regardless of whether we usually offer them a delicacy or not, the very smell of food is a great attraction for the cat.
3. Exterior views
Does your kitchen have windows with views to the outside? It may be that your cat’s motivation for climbing up onto the counter is to reach those views.
4. He is attracted to the heat of the kitchen.
The cats like the heat very much. In fact, if you have radiators at home, surely it is very normal for you to see them rest on top of them if they are on.
The heat that the cauldrons give off to the fire in the kitchen can attract them. Of course, think about how dangerous it is. To truly understand your feline friend, understanding cat tails is essential. This article delves into the nuances of cat tail language, revealing how your pet uses this appendage to communicate moods, intentions, and needs. Explore the world of cat tails and decode their messages.
5. The water in the sink catches their attention
Although the kittens are not big lovers of water, there are those who are quite attracted to the stream of water that comes out of the kitchen sink.
6. The decorative elements
If you have plants or other decorative elements that may attract your cat’s curiosity, it is quite normal for them to want to access them by climbing on the counter.
Either because they are up there or because from there it is easier for them to reach them.
7. Being close to you
Do you spend a lot of time in the kitchen? It may be that your cat is constantly climbing on the counter because he wants to enjoy your company.
8. Have a better vision
That felines like to have a broad and general vision of their environment is a reality. Therefore, climbing on top is an opportunity for them to have a much better view of space. Each cat has its own feline ear preferences, and this article explores the diversity in these affectionate behaviors. Uncover the reasons behind your cat’s specific ear-rubbing choices and how they communicate their affection through this endearing gesture.
If you want to know which of these reasons is the one that leads your cat to climb up your kitchen counter, watch it. Surely it is not difficult for you to distinguish which of these reasons is the cause.
Once you figured it out, it’s time to start working on it. Let’s see how to prevent the cat from climbing on the kitchen counter.
This is how to prevent the cat from climbing on the kitchen counter
There are several reasons why a cat should be prevented from roaming freely in the kitchen and climbing on tables and countertops.
Notably, because it is unhygienic to cook and eat surrounded by cat hair, in addition to the rest of the bacteria and dirt that it can drag on its paws and that usually end up in our food.
But, also, because it can be very dangerous both for him (he can cut himself, eat something toxic or burn himself) and for the house and the rest of the family (he can throw a burning cauldron and burn us or other people, start a fire, etc).
1. Offer a tall alternative to the countertop
Since he likes heights a lot, you can try to locate an alternative to the countertop in the kitchen. This could be a ladder, a high stool, or a tree-type scratching post. Of course, place it away from the counter so that it is not even easier for you to access it.
In addition to the kitchen, in the rest of the house they must also have permission to climb somewhere high, such as the furniture in the living room.
2. The hidden food
Since food is one of the biggest attractions, when you are not in the kitchen try not to leave food or remains within the reach of your pet.
3. Change the faucet nozzle if it drips
If your sink faucet leaks and your cat often drinks from it, you should ideally fix it. This is not only important to prevent your cat from climbing on the counter, but because in many places, tap water is not drinkable and can cause health problems for your pet.
There are drinkers that are fountain type and come out in the form of a stream, so with one of these your cat will have the same sensation as if it were drinking from a tap.
4. Use of repellents
There are some repellents for cats that, precisely because they are for them, are not toxic, so they do not pose a danger to their well-being. You can spray some of these repellents on the table and kitchen counter.
5. Spray it with water
If you are wondering how to prevent the cat from climbing on the kitchen counter, you will have a great little ally in a water sprinkler.
Since the cats do not usually like to get wet, spraying a little water when you catch him on the counter , will make him go down immediately.
In addition, it is quite likely that when you repeat this several times, there will come a time when it is enough for him to see you pick it up or shake it in front of him for him to understand what is coming and run away.
6. Citrus peel
Take advantage of the peels of lemons or oranges and place them on strategic points on the counter. Most cats can’t stand those smells so they’ll keep them away for a while.
7. Give it up
Another option to get his attention and not go up is to give a few quick claps while saying “NO” firmly. After that, try to take your cat to the alternative place that you have provided for him to climb and pet him lovingly so that he understands that this is okay. You can even give him a prize for cats so that the behavior of getting on that place that is appropriate is correct.
8. Watch your diet
If your pet hikes into the kitchen looking for food, make sure you are feeding him the right way and not underfeeding. That can make your cat hungry and look for food anywhere.
If you know for sure that the amount you offer is correct, you can try dividing the total daily dose into different doses. That way, you’ll always have something in your stomach and you won’t be as hungry between takes.
9. Double-sided tape
If you are going to be away from the kitchen for a while and you fear that your cat will climb on the counter, you can place a piece of cardboard or a thin sheet of plywood (or another surface that is easy to remove), with pieces of double-sided adhesive tape about it.
When the cat climbs on it and steps on it, it will notice something sticky and unpleasant and will lose the desire to walk around. Of course, avoid that the tape is too adhesive, it is not going to cause damage to the pads of your cat.
10. Pieces of wide ribbon
You can use the same trick above but simply with pieces of wide masking tape. They will not be attached to the surface, but they will be attached to the cat’s paws, causing the same effect. Of course, we say the same. That it is not very resistant tape so as not to harm the cat.
Distract your cat when it tries to jump on the counter
After listing what can be unpleasant for your cat, it is time to improve and reinforce positive behavior in your cat. Nobody likes to be scared, right? So here is what you can do.
As soon as you notice your cat approaching the counter, distract him. You can throw a toy or kibble in the opposite direction, or you can call your cat. Take care of him, give him a treat or play with him if he responds. In this way you reward him for his good behavior.
Provides an alternative to the countertop
Cats love heights, which is one of the main reasons why they want to be on countertops. With that being said, you know that your cat needs to be in a high place. It’s actually a necessity, and if you think kitchen countertops aren’t an option (which is fine), you should think about somewhere else that serves the purpose.
How about a cat tree in the kitchen? Place it in the kitchen so your cat can see what he’s doing on the counter, but not where he can use it as a step to the counter. It may not keep your cat off the counter entirely, but it will make things a lot easier and less stressful for your cat.
Other options may include installing shelves suitable for your cat’s weight or a window perch in places where your cat spends time. Our house has all three. Window sills are wide enough for cats to jump on; we have several cat trees in different locations, and we also have shelves that form passageways from one cat tree to another without them having to go down to the ground. The cats love it.
Avoid anything that might motivate your cat to jump
Cats usually jump on the counter because they know there must be something convincing there . In most cases, it’s food left on countertops, but cats may also be interested in other things: an outside view, running tap water, a plant on the counter, possible communication with you, and (as mentioned above) a top view of your apartment.
Maybe you should stop keeping food on the counter when you’re out. Put it in a fridge or in a cupboard. Some people enjoy how their cat plays with the tap water, but get upset if the cat jumps on the counter at other times. If that’s the case, you must choose between letting your cat play in the water or keeping it off the counter. It can not be both.
The last piece of advice is to spend some quality time with your cat and make his environment more attractive to him.
There are many cases of cats misbehaving out of boredom. It is often said that they do it because they are cats, and cats do what they like. That’s true, but we can look at this statement in a different way: if a cat doesn’t have many things it likes to do, then it will find something it does like. Maybe it’s time to find something that you and your cat like and go for it. This, in turn, will keep your cat off the kitchen counter without too much trouble.
When training your cat to stay off kitchen counters, it’s important to be patient, loving, and understanding. Treating your cat harshly or angrily isn’t fair because he’s just being a cat, and it could cause him stress that could lead to other undesirable behaviors. You may not be able to stop your cat from jumping on counters in 1 day, but if you are consistent and attentive to meeting your cat’s needs and wants, the results are sure to be a happier cat.