Why do cats knead?

Why do cats knead

If you are a cat owner , you have already attended a kneading or patounage session that arouses your curiosity, amusement or concern. A cat that kneads is nothing to worry about, unless it suddenly reproduces this attitude and damages your interior with its long claws. A scratching post can be the solution to its need to scratch and file its paws, especially for an apartment cat. 

Like purring, kneading in cats is a normal behavior which sometimes expresses well-being, sometimes an anxious state. It is therefore important to understand the reasons that push your pet to knead the floor, your sweater, the sofa, a blanket, etc. You will then be able to detect a behavioral disorder in him or realize that this is part of his habits. daily. Head to kneading cats without a rolling pin of course!

6 reasons Why Does Your Cat Knead?

Not all cats knead and some do it very rarely. Here are the reasons why our felines knead:

  • When they are kittens, they massage the area around their mother’s teat to encourage milk flow. As adults, they massage because they feel comfortable and keep a positive association with the feeding period.
  • It’s also a natural instinct to pat or massage a soft surface before settling down. In fact, wild cats had the habit of wandering around the foliage to make themselves comfortable.
  • Did you know ? Cats have glands in their pads, which is another way they mark their territory: like when they rub against your leg or furniture.
  • Kneading on your legs can simply be a pleasure for your cat because it shows that he feels safe with you, just like when he was with his mother.
  • Conversely, some cats knead because they are stressed and it is a way for them to calm down.
  • Female cats may also knead when they are in heat – and if they haven’t been spayed, to let male cats know they are ready to mate. So if your cat is more affectionate than usual, wants to come out and be heard, it may be because she is looking for a mate.

How to make sure your cat’s neads are met?

Watch out for claws when your cat kneads your legs! This is an instinctive behavior and you shouldn’t punish him because he’s probably being affectionate!

Don’t stop your cat from massaging you. Place a protective cloth (like a blanket) over your legs to prevent your cat from scratching you. It is also possible to cut your companion’s claws to prevent injuries.

If your cat seems to knead to relax and is taking a while to settle down, pet him gently and encourage him to lie down and relax.Try to find possible stressors. Be sure to consult a veterinarian if you think your cat is massaging too often or for long periods of time. because there may be an underlying cause that explains this behavior.

Why does my cat knead with its front paws?

A cat kneading reproduces one of the very first gestures it learned. As soon as it is born, the kitten instinctively kneads its mother’s udders: this gesture encourages the flow of milk, and it can thus feed more easily. Usually this action is accompanied by signs of well-being. It is common to see a kitten close its eyes and purr while kneading to nurse.

Once adult, it is common for the cat to reproduce this behavior, both with its owners and with its belongings: basket, blanket , etc. Although this gesture is completely normal, it is sometimes unpleasant, because the cat that kneads tends to injure with its claws. This can cause small injuries as well as slight damage. If it is impossible to prevent a cat from kneading, it is possible to channel it to avoid these inconveniences.

Why do cats knead

What does kneading teach us about our cat’s feelings?

In most cases, kneading means a cat feels good.

However, if he does it (especially while nursing) very often, for a long time, compulsively, or if it begins to hurt his pads, paws or mouth, this may be a sign that the animal is stressed. or he is in pain, and it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Compulsive kneading and sucking is a common problem seen in Siamese and Burmese cats .

Not all cats like to bake bread. Just like humans, cats are individuals, and each shows in their own way that they are good or that you are one of their own.

How to interpret the behavior of a cat that kneads?

The expression of well-being or stress?

A cat that kneads reproduces a primal gesture, which dates back to its contact with its mother. When he crawls onto your lap and kneads your thighs, a cat is expressing his affection and well-being. In this case, he precisely reproduces the attitude he adopted when he was a kitten, purring with narrowed or closed eyes.

The cat that kneads may also seek reassurance in a stressful situation. We sometimes observe this behavior during vacations or a move, when a cat discovers a new environment. Anti-stress products for cats can then help him calm down.

Territorial marking

The cat is known to be a territorial animal. He likes to let a potential competitor know that places and objects belong to him: this is why he regularly rubs against walls and furniture. He thus deposits pheromones which indicate to other felines that the area belongs to him. The cat also has glands located between the pads. Kneading a sofa or rug is therefore an excellent way to further mark your territory!

Is a cat’s kneading behavior normal?

A cat that kneads has absolutely normal behavior, as long as it corresponds to its habits. Some felines have the habit of regularly doing this gesture, while others do it very rarely. As they grow up, some cats even stop kneading altogether. On the other hand, if a cat who rarely kneads starts doing it frequently and frantically, it is best to seek advice from a veterinary behaviorist.

Can you stop a cat from kneading?

A cat that kneads acts by instinct, and it is very difficult to get him to break this habit. This is all the more delicate as he would not understand why he is prohibited from expressing his well-being. It is therefore not recommended to use the “strong” way, for example using a spray of water to reprimand him.

Why do cats knead

How to stop kneading in adult cats?

It is very difficult to disaccustom the cat to this “mania”, and for my part I think that it should only be corrected if this behavior really causes you a lot of inconvenience. The only advice I can give you is this: when your cat starts to knead, put him on the ground and say a resounding “NO”. It is possible that your cat, after a few days, will understand that its action is undesirable.

I do not recommend using the method which consists of spraying water on the “kneading” cat, as this risks reinforcing an anxiety pathology with unfortunate consequences, and thus generating other even more undesirable behaviors.

Start from the principle that the kneading he does on you is often an attitude of contentment, of well-being, so don’t punish his “happiness”! Perhaps an intermediate solution like cutting the tips of your claws , or placing a blanket or cushion on you while kneading can transform this unpleasant moment yesterday into a real time of complicity between you?


The cat kneading with its front paws is exhibiting completely normal behavior that is not really a cause for concern.

However, in the event that the cat demonstrates too aggressive “kneading” to the point of injuring you or causing significant damage to its environment, I advise you to consult a Feline Behaviorist . Indeed, it is possible that this cat suffers from behavioral pathology (anxiety) requiring therapy.

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